
Network Security

From firewall installation to configuration and auditing, ShevTECH has the knowledge to ensure you are protected with a Zero Trust Model.

Identity and Access Management

Identity Protection

Establish strong security controls to protect your users and business from cyber threats with single-sign and multi-factor authentication.

Manage Risk

Establish policies and controls to ensure you are properly assessing risk and optimize the entire risk management lifecycle.

SaaS & Data Security

Prevent data breaches and leaks; ensure your software as a service applications are configured using security best practices.

Secure Remote Access

Ensure your staff are connecting to internal files and applications in a safe and secure way. Keep your secrets and intellectual property locked up.

Internet of Things

Temperature sensors, cameras, smart devices; everything is connected today. Keep them from compromising your internal systems.

Contact us.

Reach out to discuss your information security and compliance needs!